STAY  Informed

Environmental services

Site Development Review Tool

Agreement for Stormwater Management and Stormwater Facility Inspection and Maintenance

Land Disturbance:
Any activity which involves the moving of large quantities of dirt (within an area of 5,000 s.f. or more) on a site not being developed for a
single-family residential building will require a land disturbance permit.
There are instances when a Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) may be required for the building of a home.

To determine whether or not an LDP is required for the activity you are planning, please contact the Community Development Office at


Buffers are a protective tree lining along state waters, valuable in conserving land and water resources; therefore buffers should be protected. The buffer variance process will apply to all projects legally eligible for variances and to all state waters having vegetation wrested from the channel by normal stream flow, provided that adequate erosion control measures are incorporated in the project plans and specifications are implemented. The following are helpful links if contemplating construction within a buffer zone.

Notice of Intent (NOI) / Notice of Termination (NOT):

A Notice of Intent (NOI) is the permit to be completed and submitted to the Georgia Environmental Protection Division as well as a copy given to the Local Issuing Authority when distributing an area of 1 acre or more.

To access these forms please click the links below in the 'Things to Know' section:

Things to Know

The Green Book
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
GEOS - Public
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
Illicit Discharge
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
Useful Links:
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
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